carrelli abbandonati

The Best Cart Abandonment Email Strategies for 2022

In order to have your dropshipping business thrive, it is essential that you learn how build an effective cart abandonment email.

Research shows that in 2021, the average online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69,82%. The reasons for the abandonment vary from “Just browsing, didn’t want to buy” to “Didn’t trust the website with my payment information” and “Extra costs too high“.

As an eCommerce owner you know that every abandoned cart represents a lost sale. Even if you run personalised campaigns with relevant content and messaging, there’s simply no way to avoid the fact that a significant portion of your audience will end up abandoning their carts after visiting your site.

With that in mind, it’s critical for businesses to focus on abandoned carts in 2022, particularly if they don’t have a follow-up protocol in place. In this article, we’ll cover some of the best email marketing strategies for abandoned carts in 2022 and beyond.

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Cart Abandonment Reminder

As we have seen, there could be a variety of reasons to why your customers did not complete a purchase. Keep in mind however that these are not the only reasons why customers do not complete their purchase. Some times the cart abandonment is not necessarily connected to your store per se or to expenses related to shipping or tax imports. For example, if a customer initiated their purchase process via mobile, they could have received a message or a call that led to forgetting to buy they item from your store.

It can also happen that customers decide to wait a little bit of time to be sure they want to proceed with the purchase, or do further research. While others could have experienced a problem with their connection, that might have resulted in cart abandonment, but they may still wish to buy your products.

The simplest way to bring those consumers back is to send an automatic email reminder and save their basket on your website, or show the items they wanted to purchase and provide them with a link.

Optimize Subject Lines

When thinking of a cart abandonment email, one of the things to consider is obviously the content, as it is crucial, but the subject line is the first thing your audience sees when your message reaches their inbox. A boring or generic subject line will turn readers off and lead to a significant reduction in your open rate.

Leads can only convert if they open the message, making open rates one of the most crucial email marketing metrics.

Building better subject lines is the first step toward generating more sales through your cart abandonment workflow.

While overusing emojis can make your emails appear less interesting, including one or two in your subject line may have the opposite effect. One of the most reliable ways to optimize subject lines is simply to add the recipient’s name for additional personalization. You can also adjust your sender name to a person “from” your business rather than just including the name of your brand.

Finally, remember that recipients will only check the subject line for a few seconds before moving on to the next message in their inbox. Keep each subject line concise and to the point in order to catch their attention quickly and motivate them to read the rest of the email.

Include a call-to-action button in your email

CTAs serve as a connection between you, your store, and your clients.

Well- designed call-to-actions can help you increase consumer engagement, boost site traffic, and ultimately lead to higher conversions and sales. A CTA button can lead your customers directly to their shopping basket in just one click.

Usually it is placed either in the middle or at the end of the email. In short, it is the section of the email where a button is placed with an action that you want them to do. CTA buttons come in a variety of styles, but they all have the same goal: to attract users back to their shopping carts.

Reference Customer Feedback

Marketing emails are inherently sales-driven, so in order to build a good cart abandonment email, consider adding feedback from satisfied customers, as it can give your messages substantially more authority. Recipients are much more likely to think about buying the product or products in their cart if they read a few positive reviews.

Whenever possible, look for thorough, informative reviews that discuss the product’s value, specifications, or how it compares to similar alternatives. While simply praising the item is better than nothing, it’s better to offer helpful information that responds to common questions or concerns.

Provide a Discount

Cart Abandonment Email

These two tips can lead are essential for your abandoned cart email strategy, as they will lead to more  conversions, but a simple discount is the most straightforward way to get customers to reconsider their decision. Even a small percentage off the regular price will give them the impression that they’re getting an exclusive deal.

Along with discounts, free shipping is another common gift that doesn’t cost much to offer on individual orders. Research indicates that discounts are the most common reason for customers to open cart abandonment email, and 5% or 10% off is a small price to pay for an additional sale.

Build Mobile-Friendly Emails

Emails were once read almost exclusively on computers, but more and more people are reading emails on their phones every year, this is why your abandoned cart email should be built to be easily read from various devices. In fact, nearly half of all emails are now opened on a mobile device, making smartphones and tablets just as important as computers when it comes to crafting abandoned cart emails.

Fortunately, contemporary marketing automation tools streamline the process of developing emails for a wide range of devices and screen sizes. Automation is a vital element of nearly every aspect of cart abandonment email campaigns, so it’s critical to find software that matches your marketing goals.

You can identify potential display issues by opening your brand’s emails yourself or simply making it easy for customers to provide feedback when they experience any problems. Don’t forget to visit your online store using a variety of devices to make sure there aren’t any glitches or hangups in the customer experience.

Cart abandonment emails are one of the most efficient automation workflows, making them a necessity for any brand with an online store. These tips will help you build better abandoned cart messages in order to increase your open rate and generate even more sales.

Take your business to the Next Level

Now that you have fully aced your cart abandoned email strategy, you also have to make sure that once your clients receive your products, they do not return them! 

In order to avoid returns and maintain your clients’ satisfaction rate high, you must choose the right partner to work with.  

Whether you sell your products in dropshipping or if you import your products in your own country, you need a supplier who can assist you in all the phases of the logistic process, from the sourcing of high-quality products up to the after-sale assistance, should it be necessary. 

Now while there are indeed hundreds, perhaps thousands of suppliers out there who can source the products you sell, not all of them can give you a full-round service while providing you with affordable prices for the products and shipping.

Yakkyofy can offer you a web-app that can help you source your products directly from the manufactures at B2B prices, and ship them for you with one of the fastest shipping methods available at a contained price. 

We will not only check out the quality of the products before they are shipped, but also, provide you with a software that can be integrated with your online stores, from which you can keep track of all the products you upload and of all the orders that your clients make, all of this from only one dashboard.

But it doesn’t end here, because with Yakkyofy you can even create your very own brand directly in China, you can get comprehensive quotations inclusive of all personalisation expenses, and should you want to import to your country, also inclusive of all shipping and customs costs. We offer all kinds of personalisation, from stickers to personalised packaging and application of your logo directly on the product itself.

Moreover, should you encounter any problems with your products or orders, our customer care team will be there to assist you. 

So what are you waiting for? 

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