amazon keywords

12 Effective Amazon Keyword Tips To Increase Sales and Rankings

Listing your products on Amazon is a great way to increase your sales and reach more customers but improving product sales on this platform relies heavily on the right Amazon keyword. We’ll share 12 expert tips for using keywords to boost your Amazon sales and rankings in this post – keep reading to learn more! 

  1. Select keywords that are closely related to your products.

The first step to finding the right keywords is understanding the product you are selling and its capabilities. Never pick a keyword solely due to its high search volume. Instead, brainstorm relevant keywords and scout the competition to see how challenging it is to rank for that term.

For example, suppose you’re selling running shoes and consider targeting keywords like “running shoes” or “new running shoes.” Unfortunately, these terms are broad, making it more challenging to compete with. In this case, it might be better to target something more descriptive about your particular product. Specific keywords give your product a much higher chance of standing out from other listings selling similar products.

2. Use the keyword tools on Amazon and Google 

The next thing you can use is Amazon and Google’s keyword tools to widen your search. Type in a niche relevant to your product and choose your product type. You can also include terms like “best” or “top” along with the keyword you’re targeting to narrow the kind of results you get. 

Once you’ve done this, you’ll get a list of keywords users commonly search for on Amazon. Export this data to a CSV file to help you create your list of keywords to target. Third-party research tools are also available for sellers to improve their keyword research.

3. Include keywords in your title and bullet points

One of the most effective strategies for dropshippers is to always include keywords in the title, subtitle, and description of your listing. This is critical to your product listing because it’s the first point of contact users will have with your brand on Amazon. If you don’t use relevant terms in your title, you’ll miss out on the opportunity for sales on this platform.

Use the keywords in your Amazon product title to help you rank higher. The more strategic you are with keywords appearing in your listing, the more likely your product will appear in related search results. Make sure that you’re using accurate and relevant keywords. 

4. Incorporate keywords into the content of your listing along with synonyms and other related words.

In addition to using an Amazon keyword in your title, incorporate variations of this term throughout the content of your listing. For example, you can include synonyms and related words in your product descriptions to help show Amazon that your page is relevant to the keyword term you’re targeting. 

Just be careful not to go overboard! If you include too many keywords, it could look like you’re trying to spam Amazon’s search results, leading to penalties.

5. Optimize images by including keywords in the file name.

Another way to incorporate keywords into your listing is by optimizing images. Do this by ensuring that file names accurately describe the photo and product you are selling. For example, if you are selling cat food on Amazon, you’ll want to ensure that any images you upload include the term “cat food” within the file name.

As an Amazon FBA seller, see to it that you’re using descriptive file names and including relevant keywords whenever possible! It’s a great strategy to help boost visibility and sales, especially on a platform as competitive as these.

Additionally, don’t forget to include keywords in your product image’s alternate (alt) text. This text appears when an image fails to load and shows up if you’re using a particular plugin or browser extension (e.g., SEO Quake for Chrome).

Visual recognition plays such a big role in search results; this method works well for increasing visibility!

6. Formulate an appealing yet informative product description.

When shoppers browse on Amazon, they often skim through the product descriptions. Make sure that your description is both appealing and informative to capture their attention.

The best way to do this is by keeping your description short and sweet—no more than 500 characters. This will help increase the chance that shoppers will read it! Include essential information about your product clearly and concisely, and make sure to use relevant keywords throughout. 

It’s good practice to highlight any unique selling points or features your product has, especially if you have a lot of competitors on the market. Be careful not to include too much text, or shoppers might get overwhelmed and move on to another listing. Instead, keep it brief but informative, and you’ll be able to hook shoppers in no time!

7. Use long-tail keywords phrases in your strategies

Long-tail keywords are usually three or more words in length. As a result, they tend to have less competition than shorter keyword phrases and are typically more targeted to shoppers’ needs.

That’s why using a long-tail Amazon keyword is such a great strategy! Not only do they help you rank higher, but they also result in more qualified traffic because they’re more specific and relevant.

So make sure to include a variety of long-tail keywords throughout your listing—in the title, in the product description, and your keyword list. You’ll be surprised at how effective adapting this strategy can be! Of course, you can also take advantage of this strategy when using Amazon DSP, along with the other Amazon-based marketing tools.

8. Add a video to increase sales conversion rates.

Video is one of the best ways to get more sales on Amazon. When shoppers see a product in action, it’s much more appealing than just seeing photos or reading about its features. So if your customer service video is well-made and engaging enough, you can bet that conversions will go up!

Remember, including videos as part of your product listing on Amazon doesn’t mean you need to invest in a full-blown video production complete with fancy equipment. Instead, ensure you have adequate lighting, clear audio, and an engaging presenter for your product demo. The important part is that customers can visualize the benefits of your product through the video. 

9. Keep an eye on trending topics

As you probably know, Amazon likes its search results updated with the latest trend, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on what’s popular and use related Amazon keyword in your listings.

This will help ensure that your products appear when shoppers search for trending or seasonal items. Additionally, it can help increase your conversion rates since they’re more likely to be in-demand products.

10. Check on Google Trends to see how popular certain keywords are and which ones you should use on your listings.

Use Google Trends to track and monitor which keywords are popular or rising in popularity. This is a great way to find potential long-tail keywords that you might not have thought of before. With more words to 

On Google Trends, type in a keyword or phrase and see how it compares with other related terms. You can even compare different regions to see which keywords are more prevalent around the world.

11. Consider using Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) feature for additional exposure on Amazon’s website.

Use Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) feature to promote your products on Amazon better. This element is a great creative strategy that allows you to include additional information about other products while incorporating more keywords to support your descriptions. 

With EBC, you can showcase your products’ features by adding five images to your page. If you want shoppers to see certain features or selling points right away, this feature allows you to showcase them in a visually appealing way that is sure to captivate your target audience on Amazon.

12. Explore Amazon’s sponsored ads to feature for increased visibility.

Last but not least, consider using Amazon’s sponsored ads to gain even more exposure for your products. By using the right keywords, this strategy can be highly effective in boosting traffic and sales. As a seller on the platform, you want to get all the leverage you can get to be able to compete effectively against other sellers with similar products. Remember that the more visible your listings are, the more likely customers will find your product and purchase from you!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it—12 expert tips for improving your Amazon rankings with keywords! While keywords research does require a lot of work, the results from successfully incorporating them into your marketing strategies are well worth the effort. 

Remember, Amazon keyword trends are consistently changing and are not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Depending on the market, your niche, and your product, these methods may vary, so be sure to review your selected terms on a regular basis. 

Another thing to remember is that while keywords can indeed help you increase your rankings, and get your clients’ attention, your products’ quality is also very important. 

After all there is no point working hard on your listings when you get returns over returns. 

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Author’s Bio

Jayce is the managing director of Seller Interactive, the number one Amazon advertising agency based in Canada that helps brands build their business on Amazon. His content marketing expertise has led him to work with brands such as Toyota and GoDaddy, producing content that has reached over 20M views in a month. 

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